The purpose of this blog is to track 20 common stocks for a full year. The idea is to beat the S & P 500 like a mutual fund without the very high churn rate. These stocks will be held in a portfolio until next December 31.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Twinkie Defense is Dead....(but who owns the Brand)

Hostess Brands was in bankruptcy.  The bakers union decided to strike. The owners shut the company down and liquidate.  18,000 people are out of work. Wow.........

First off: I would like to congratulate the management team for this very difficult decision.
Second off: Once again Unions are driving nails into the coffin. Striking a company that is in bankruptcy is just about a dumb as juggling a lite chainsaw while jumping on a pogo stick.
Third off, Who is going to swoop in and buy the assets and the brand?

Recently there was a strike by a local grocery store called Raley's. I hated shopping at Raley's before the strike because of the slow cashiers and the high prices.  During the strike, which lasted about 2 weeks, we only shopped there.  Now that the strike is over, we will go back to shopping at Walmart.

If I could point at the 2 most destructive forces on our economy, I would say unions and municipal pensions.

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