Our buy list is up 5.64%...
On the covered call play, 9 of our stocks are above the strike price by a total of
by $179,470. You may remember that the options sold for $155K. So that will be
25K left on the table. If the Feb option expiration date comes, we will track these sales
and determine a re-entry point back into the stock. I am thinking that this re-entry point should be
at or below our initial purchase price. It is impossible to time the market. Anyone who thinks they can is wrong. (or will be wrong more times than they are correct.)
regarding this to....Eddy from www.crossingwallstreet.com sold LUK from his buy list this year. LUK is up 17%. His portfolio is still up 5.76%. There are lots of ways to be right in picking good stocks...and there are lots of ways to be wrong.